Filial Piety Dharma Assembly

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Lamp-lighting for living parents, relatives and friends for blessing
· Digital Tablet RM50
· Donation in any amount

Penitent Service
Penitent Service for departed relatives, ancestors, karmic creditors, etc.
· Digital Tablet RM50
· Donation in any amount

7.30 pm Cleansing Ceremony
8.00 pm Chanting of Amitabha Sutra & Dharma Teaching

23 – 27.08.2016
11.00 am Transference of Merits
8.00 pm Chanting of Amitabha Sutra & Dharma Teaching

9.00 am Buddha Name Recitation
11.00 am Grand Offering to the Buddha
1.00 pm Three Sessions of Pure Land Chanting
6.00 pm Dharma Assembly Ends

Proceeds will go to the Building Fund